Hi Guys,

As the new SSAC intern I thought I’d tell you a little bit about myself and what I’ll be getting up to in the next few months!


This is only day 1 so everything is a bit crazy but I am super excited to start working with SSAC. I have been a strong supporter of Stop AIDS for a long time and I can’t wait to get more involved and start campaigning with you all! Over the next three months I’ll be helping Saoirse to organise this years speaker tour, launch our new campaign at the end of January and plan the National Day of Action in March.

So… here’s a quick summary of my interests and experiences..

I absolutely love travelling and experiencing new cultures and places. Last year I took part in a sponsored hitch hike to Croatia, which was definitely one of the most exciting (and possibly dangerous) things I’ve ever done. I am a return ICS volunteer, having travelled to India with Restless Development in May. I’ve also volunteered in Ghana. From living in Countries where HIV is prevalent I have seen first-hand the difficulties that living with HIV can present and I am passionate about fighting the stigma that surrounds HIV, as well as campaigning for universal treatment.

I am a keen campaigner and I am always looking for new stunts and creative ideas to grab people’s attention. I have previously campaigned with Oxfam, VSO and Lose the Lad’s Mags. One of the reasons I was drawn to SSAC is the unique and creative campaigns – I’ve never heard of anyone else changing global politics in their swimwear!

I am a HUGE fan of the internet. I’m a bit of an armchair activist so I’m constantly online and will be on all the SSAC channels so make sure you get in contact, whether you want to share resources, ask questions or just chat.