1. Publicise like madposters and flyers are on their way to you but you can download them here too! Set up a Facebook event, and Tweet your every move!

2. We aim to collect 7500 action cards by March12th and you can help by planning an amazing campaign action during the day. We want to have pictures of students, dressed in red, making the number 15 at every university.  Here’s Kate proving that no group is too small to take part, though obviously you could make it look a 100 times better! (yep, thats meant to be a 15!)







3. Head into your town center with the campaign, make some noise, bring a banner and grab the attention of passers by and the media!

4. Send a letter to your local MP inviting them to speak or attend.  It is a great chance to lobby them on 15 by 15 too. You can send this MP Invitation template to them and don’t forget to follow up with a call!

5. Send out a press release to some local outlets, let them know how awesome your stunt will be or send them some pictures when it is done.  We’ve made it easy for you with our ready-made Press Release template.

6. Reach out to other groups e.g. campaigning societies like People & Planet, Amnesty or Medsin.  OR to local community groups e.g. service providers, councilors or a local Oxfam campaigning group etc…

7. Society Presidents – think about what you may want to say at the evening Speaker event.  Kate will help you plan how to introduce everyone.

Please send back your Tour Logistics Forms. Make sure you have organized a venue, an eating plan for after the event and a place for our tour team to sleep.

9. Read up on the campaign  using this excellent campaign guide so you are ready to go get those action cards signed.

10. Get people excited about our National Day of Action in London on March 12th – Add people to our facebook group now.

There you have it, follow these steps and you’ll be well on your way to a perfect speaker tour event.