10 years since Gleneagles ‘G7 – keep the promise to end AIDS’
by harriet | Jun 4, 2015 | Uncategorized |
This weekend may be the beginning of our first summer heatwave but it also marks the 41st G7 summit.
Although this meeting of the 7 most powerful nations (and the decisions that come our of it) is exciting in itself, this year’s meeting is also important for another reason. It is now 10 years since the G8 meeting at Gleneagles which was the first time governments committed to achieving UNIVERSAL ACCESS TO HIV TREATMENT FOR ALL.

And although we’ve come a long way since 2005 when only 1.3 million people were accessing treatment to 13 million people in 2014, there are still 22 million not accessing ARVs… so we’ve still got a way to go before this commitment is fulfilled.
In 2005, Student Stop AIDS Campaigners told G8 leaders that the ‘WORLD IS WATCHING’ (with lots of eyeballs) and we want to send a message to say that WE ARE STILL WATCHING.
To help us we need you to get on your social media channels this SUNDAY and MONDAY and tell the #G7 and @DavidCameron that we are #StillWatching by taking a selfie of yourself holding your fingers up to your eyes like this (aka Robert De Nero in Meet the Parents). You can put in on facebook or twitter, don’t forget to @StudentStopAIDSCampaign too.

We want to take this opportunity to let our world leaders know that the promise they made has not been fulfilled and we will continue to WATCH them and take action until they do.