This Saturday was the international day of action against TTIP – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership- that (if successful) will mark the biggest corporate take over in history! But it wont be successful because WE ARE WINNING!

ttip makes us sick

This time last year no-one was talking about TTIP, it was just another meaningless acronym that no-one thought was worth worrying about! A year later and TTIP is featured in every party manifesto – that is because civil society has made it an issue.

TTIP will impact everything – our food, our environment, our democracy, our NHS – and what we’re most worried about at Student Stop AIDS is the affect TTIP will have on access to medicines.





keeo our nhs public






Check our our campaigner Mikhail Meknes writing about this issue in the latest #No TTIP Times:

It was great to hear Green MEP Jean Lambert and Keep Our NHS Public mentioning the impact of TTIP on drug pricing showing that awareness about access to medicines is growing!

If you want to take action on TTIP, sign the petition here and help us reach 2 million signatures!!